Newsletter – 12.19.22
Season's Greetings | End of Year Announcements
Season's Greetings | End of Year Announcements
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Architecture in the News | CE Courses | DA22 on Display
A reminder that today is the deadline for completing the initial submittal forms for the Napa [...]
Quattrocchi Kwok Architects Moves East Bay Office to Oakland’s Jack London Square New Space is 50 [...]
Happy Holidays! If you didn’t get a chance to read the deep thoughts, ponderings, calls [...]
Time to be thankful for all that we have starting with our executive director, Carissa [...]
Us – Maybe, Hopefully. Hello Redwood Empire far and wide, We are dealing with so [...]
From Don Tomasi, Principal TLCD Architecture, AIARE Scholarship Fund: I want to take this opportunity [...]
We understand that wildfires in our region affect each of us on many levels and [...]