Us – Maybe, Hopefully.

Hello Redwood Empire far and wide,

We are dealing with so many new challenges this year that words cannot convey the intensity, the adaptation required, the uncertainties felt for our families, communities and nation. Over and over we hear personal and media reflections on 2020 and then someone says “All in all, I think things are going pretty well.” Instead of lambasting them for their optimism or their good fortune, stop and think. Maybe they are not totally out of touch with the reality of now. Maybe there is much to acknowledge at going pretty well. Maybe life in the USA, in Northern California, in the Redwood Empire is all in all, pretty good.

This optimism is not heartless, but hopeful; not forgetting our losses, but realizing we are still here and we are alive. I tell you now as I tell myself, “Don’t begrudge those who are happy to be alive in the world.” Obviously, we want to see children and elders happy and everyone else in between.

That being said, the preacher will step down from the podium and make the rest of the message about ARCHITECTURE! Hopefully, you have submitted a project for the Design Awards. Hopefully, you will attend our next Perspective Series in November. Hopefully, you have re-upped your Membership or are new to AIARE with 3 months extra value. Hopefully, you will join to see LEVER architecture on October 29th to become inspired about what you do and what you can do someday because you are here and alive – and I have hope.

And most importantly, VOTE!

Yours Truly,

Prez Dooley