Your AIA Redwood Empire Chapter Nominating Committee is pleased to announce their nominees for your AIARE 2021 Board of Directors. W
Confirmations for these Board positions and the nominees presented below will take place at the AIARE Holiday Social Event, December 10th, via Zoom. e will accept nominations from the floor for vacant positions prior to confirmation.
Please be sure to attend and help us welcome our new board members and thank our outgoing board.
The 2021 Board of Directors as proposed:
President: Ross Jones, TLCD
President-Elect: VACANT
Past President (ex-officio): Mary Dooley, MAD Architecture
*Treasurer: Juliano Sorondo, QKA
*Secretary: Sean Taber, TLCD
*AIACA Director: Drew Weigl, Axia
*Director at Large: Scott Bartley, Hall & Bartley Architects
Director at Large: VACANT
Director of Emerging Professionals: Emily Grayho, TLCD
*Allied Director: Tyler Chartier, Tyler Chartier Photography
*Allied Director: Casey McDonald, Adobe Associates, Inc.
*2021 will be the second year of this Board Member’s 2 year term and does not require a vote at this time.
30 day notice was sent out to the AIARE Membership via email. If you are an active AIARE member and have any comments or concerns regarding these nominees, please send them to [email protected] on or before December 10th 2020 at 6:00pm.